Dear Community Partner,
Please join the REALTORS® as Neighbors Foundation for the 24th Annual BOWL-A-THON on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at Skyline Lanes in Duluth. This year’s event will feature: a wine pull, 50/50 raffle, silent auction, pizza and bowling! All proceeds will benefit the REALTORS® as Neighbors Foundation.
It is easy to get involved with this great event at all budget levels (see reverse side for full details). We would love to have you join us as a generous sponsor!
Thank you to all that donated to last year’s event. We were able to raise $8,240.00! This year our goal is $9,000. Let’s make this year’s event the most successful yet!
Remember: the REALTORS® as Neighbors Foundation is a charitable organization and donations are tax-deductible! The 23rd Annual BOWL-A-THON is a great opportunity to help support a Foundation that is making a positive impact in our local communities! We look forward to having you join us and share in our mission.
Foundation Highlights of 2024:
- 23rd Annual Bowl-A-Thon
- First-time Homeowners Grant
- 2024 Golf Outing and Adopt A Park-Superior.
- The REALTORS as Neighbors donated $33,700 to help our local communities in 2024. The more we raise, the more we can give in the upcoming year!
Thank you in advance for your consideration, we look forward to seeing you on the lanes!
Sponsorship Levels
.There are sponsor levels for every budget. Get noticed by over 100 REALTORS, Affiliates, and industry partners. All sponsors will receive day of recognition and be featured on marketing materials at the event.
- ($250) Wine Table Sponsor: (Our most popular event) Wrapped bottles of wine will be
available for sale to attendees for $20 each. Cash prizes will be hidden on multiple
bottles of wine. Your logo will be featured on a sign by the wine table. Limited to 4
Sponsors - ($250) Pizza Sponsor: The tables that host the pizza will include signage with your logo
on it. Limited to 4 Sponsors - ($50) Lane Sponsorship: Sponsor a lane where your logo will be portrayed on the table
next to the lane. Limited to 22 Sponsors - (Any Amount Appreciated) Cash/Check Donation: if none of the options above fit; cash/check donations in any amount can be made to the Foundation. Please make checks payable to: REALTORs as Neighbors Foundation. Cash/Check can be mailed or dropped off at the association office (4031 Grand Ave, Duluth, MN 55807.
Wine Table Sponsor$250.00
Pizza Sponsor$250.00
Lane Sponsor$50.00
Don’t miss your chance! The deadline to secure your sponsorship is Friday, January 24, 2025. Contact Carrie Dittmar at 218-428-4033 with any questions.